26th September 2016 anson

UBER: A Small Island’s Traffic Solution?

The Maltese Chamber for Small and Medium Enterprises (GRTU) has recently voiced it’s opinion towards a possible solution to the island’s traffic congestion problem.

Through it’s VP, Marcel Mizzi, the Chamber asked a very pertinent question:

Could UBER be part of a solution for our traffic problems ?

Their short answer is YES… “applied to the Malta scenario UBER could definitely work. Distances are short and there should be no shortage of drivers.”

Mizzi proceeds to giving an example where as a commuter you would need to run an errand in the Capital, Valletta. “Using your car will mean the cost of the fuel which can be substantial if you include the extra fuel that you waste looking for parking. Most likely you will also end up having to either pay for your parking or at least for CVA*”.

“With UBER, the costs incurred by the driver will only be the fuel costs from your location to Valletta and most likely, if the system is well known he would very likely pick another passenger from Valletta on his way back.”

Finally we have a business body that is looking at UBER as the ultimate evil but as a plausible solution to a growing concern. Kudos to that!

Read the full article here.


*CVA is equivalent to a Congestion Fee and is levied to all vehicles driving through and parking in Vallette

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